Saturday, August 30, 2008

The First Pics

We checked our deer cameras today. They both had a total of 12 photos. However all we got that wasn't trees and leaves, was one deer butt. We reset them with some minor adjustments to their positions and will hope for the best next week. I will post them when they come in.

I think the deer butt has potential. Just wish we could've seen the head.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Great Buy

Picked up a pair of these archery gloves on sale. Originally $24.99, they were marked down to just $9.99. They are tip-less gloves that feature a magnetic secured mitten cover, AND the best part, they have a bow release groove, so you can easily keep your release attached to your wrist while still wearing the gloves.

Check them out: Archery Glove by Manzella

Monday, August 18, 2008

Look what I bought

Jake and I bought two of them. StealthCam is offering a $20 rebate on all cameras from now until the first of the year I believe. Now we have three cameras which we plan to place out in the woods near our stands to monitor any action. We want to get them out there in the next week. I plan to post any interesting finds on my blog as well as any early tracks that we find.

Should be fun.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Getting Ready

Each year my husband and I get ready for deer hunting by scouting our land for signs of deer traffic. We have 25 acres in Central Minnesota, of which 23 of those are heavily wooded and notorious for at least one monster buck each year.

In 2006, my husband shot this monster the opening day of deer hunting in the early afternoon hours. It was an exciting day for both of us, even though I wasn't even out in the woods yet.

Then last year, I was bothered by several twigs snapping behind my stand and signaled for Jake to come over near me. He came calling to try to cover up his ruckus. He sat with me and we both shivered and waited, but he couldn't hear what I was hearing. We both stood up and he was just about to tell me that we should unload our guns and head home, when I saw something move. I nudged him and he then caught sight of a buck coming straight for our stand. It was dusk but those ivory white tines stood out like you wouldn't believe. The deer was on a mission, nose to the ground, walking at an accelerated pace. Just then, we caught sight of another buck coming from the left, headed toward our monster buck. Had we gotten in the middle of a "meeting of the minds" at the edge of the swamp? Unfortunately, Jake was unable to get a shot because it was too dark and I was too scared to move. Actually I just liked watching all the action unfold. I've always liked observing more than participating. And, just then his hat fell out of the tree stand and both deer, spooked, ran in opposite directions.

A close call. Needless to say, the stories we told that night were adrenaline-filled and full of hope for the days to come. And word traveled fast, as hunters in the surrounding acres, closed in and started posting guard at their stands from sun up to sun down, day after day. Two other hunters caught sight of the big one, and shot at him, but no one took him down. Maybe I'll get him this year.

I had better get my bow out and start taking some practice shots. I only have a 50 lb. draw, so if I hit the big one, it better be a damn good shot.

Our stands are already up. We got a great deal on some double ladder stands at Walmart and bought 4 last year. I am so excited to get out there. We'll have to wait a little longer until we actually go scouting, at least until some of the mosquitoes die off.

What do you do to get ready each year?

What is your favorite thing about hunting?

Please share your stories and comments with me. I plan on hosting a "Best Deer Diary Entry Giveaway" later this season where I will judge the best deer hunting story and issue a great hunting-related prize.

Check back for more later!!!!